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2021 Great Lakes Regional Sediment Management Workshop

The Great Lakes Regional Sediment Team is hosting a series of webinars focused on water quality, nutrient reduction and regional sediment management in the Great Lakes. The webinars will occur each Tuesday in April (beginning April 6) at 2:00 p.m. EDT and will cover the following topics:

  • April 6 – urban stormwater and green infrastructure

    • Click here to view a recording of the webinar

  • April 13 – coastal systems and sediment transport

  • April 20 – habitat and restoration

  • April 27 – agricultural nonpoint source runoff

This webinar series is being hosted by the Great Lakes Regional Sediment Management Team, a collaboration of agencies including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – GLNPO, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Department of Agriculture – NRCS and the Great Lakes Commission.

For the past several years, the Great Lakes Regional Sediment Management Team has hosted annual in-person workshops to provide a forum for federal, state and local agencies, planners and consultants to discuss and learn about regional priorities, new programs, new technologies and innovative practices related to water quality, nutrient reduction, sedimentation and regional sediment management issues in upland, urban and coastal settings.

The webinar topics intentionally build on lessons learned from previous workshops and were chosen to span GLRI Action Plan III focus areas. The programs are designed to appeal to a wide-range of environmental, resource management and planning professionals to enable discussion and spur creative thinking for problem solving on important Great Lakes water quality issues.

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